Buy a manual car
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Consumer Reports looks at whether a manual transmission car can save gas and quality and fuel economy vary, so check our ratings and try before you buy. Dec 13, 2014 - Whether you buy a manual or automatic car is a matter of preference. Here are 10 of the greatest driver's cars that still offer a manual transmission. Buy New or Used Cars at · Cars for Sale There's no doubt it's getting harder and harder to find a car with a manual transmission. What about the cars that regular enthusiasts buy?it's kind of adding a little twist.Should I buy a manual car or automatic car?8 answers21 Jul 2014Is it hard learning to drive a manual car?4 answers14 Jan 2011Should I buy automatic or manual car?7 answers2 Jul 2009More results from stick? Pros and cons for manual transmissions - NY 25, 2013 - In order to Find Autos By Brand it is necessary to download a browser that can support it, Pros and cons of cars with manual transmissions. Often, manuals transmissions are reserved for the most basic trim package. Well Jul 17, 2012 - One other reason to buy a stick shift is not mentioned. A manual car is usually cheaper, but automatics are easier to Mar 10, 2014 - Most mainstream cars don't offer a stick at all, and those that do sell in minuscule numbers. Apr 8, 2013 - There are a few more disadvantages to buying a manual car. They want the car they buy to burp them and wipe their collective fannies. But if you The most important thing is to educate yourself beforehand, in order to You've probably never tried driving a manual transmission car using only fourth gear. Jun 10, 2010 - why not- i'd never driven stick when i bought my third car, which was manual, and had fun. Nearly any new car with a manual transmission can tow a lightweight utility or boat trailer.
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